1921 stuff at Hastings Park:
26--June 11, 1921, Hastings Park
--rained out
27--June 15, 1921, Hastings Park
--mile against time
1st, Jack Ross, Stutz 1:05 1/2
2nd, Mario Bianchi, Romano 1:06 1/4
3rd, Gus Duray, Lott Special 1:09
1st, Charlie Latta, Peugeot
2nd, Chet Latta, Baby Romano
3rd, Jim Healey, Kimbro
time, 6:40
1st, Jack Ross
2nd, Gus Duray
3rd, George House, Erickson Special
1st, Chet Latta
2nd, Healey
3rd, Taylor, Taylor Special
time, 9:00
--15-mile free for all
1st, Jack Ross, Stutz, No. 8
2nd, Gus Duray, Lott Special
3rd, Charlie/Chet Latta, Peugeot
time, 17:49 1-2
27a--July 1, 1921, Chilliwack Fairgrounds
a Ford auto race scheduled as part of a Dominion Day sports day, no results
28--August 12, 1921, Hastings Park
--15-mile free for all
1st, George Lott
2nd, Jim Healy, Studebaker Special
time, 19:35
--heavy cars, 10-miles
1st, Erickson, Curtiss Special
2nd, Lott
time, 12:30
--light cars, 8-miles
1st, Healey
2nd, Kimbro
time, 10:55
29--August 20, 1921, Hastings Park
1st, George Lott
time, 18:00 1-5
Cool, any idea what type of Peugeot C. Latta was using? Perhaps a DOHC Grand Prix model (ex-Indianapolis)?
Mike Tippett
Ladysmith BC
Not sure at this point. Charles Latta was the driver, from the Seattle area. A bit more detail from other newspaper articles from that time has the car referred to as the "Cyclone Peugeot Special", but not anything of its history.
As the AAA (Indianapolis) did come to Tacoma and the 2 mile board track it might stand to reason that the car was a former Indianapolis racer. I'll see what I can find out from a couple sources.
That would be really interesting to know...I have always had a feeling that there must be some old GP Peugeots lying undiscovered in a barn somewhere! Maybe in Surrey BC ;-)
Seriously, the only Peugeot of (approximately) that era that I could imagine racing is the L76 and its various derivatives (L3, L3 bis, L56, L45), most of which ended up in the USA after Peugeot's factory GP effort ended in 1914 with the start of the Great War. In 1921 these cars were past their prime for the American big prize races but I certainly could see them running on smaller courses in the hands of semi-local drivers.
I do wonder where these cars ended up, as only two are known to survive: an L3 bis (R&T's Salon car in 1986) and an L45 long tail, both in the USA (seen semi- recently at Pebble Beach CA).
I am a Peugeot fan going way back and I also have a big thing for 404Injection rally cars (I own a 404 Coupé Injection), however that is another story and I won't get into it now.
Cheers and thanks for this great information!
Mike Tippett
Ladysmith BC
Hi again, have you rustled up any additional information? It must be hard, that was almost 100 years ago.....
I am in contact with a Latta family member who is doing research on her racing father and uncles but no additional information on the history of the Peugeot as of yet.
It probably will be one of those "aha!" moments during microfilm research where an article will just pop up and there's all the info. The problem is finding the right newspaper and the right year.
It's happened. I came across some info on a Stutz raced by Vancouver's Harry Hooper that had been raced at the Tacoma AAA races years earlier by a Victoria, BC guy. So it's just a matter of looking looking looking.
Well thanks for looking....I do very much appreciate the assistance!
Meanwhile I am compiling a list of all known survivors of the 17,223 Peugeot 404 C cars - by serial number - so far I'm up to 1251. Isn't the Internet great! The spreadsheet from heaven (or hell, when it's being edited like now).
I assume there is no news on this?
My Peugeot 404 Coupé/Cabriolet census is going well; I am up to 1317 cars discovered so far.
Nothing new to add.
Well I guess Peugeot racing in Vancouver thing is a bit of a lost cause (understandable because it was 90 years ago)...
But my 404 Coupé/Cabriolet census is doing really well. I am up to 1369 cars "found" now.....and they're coming in every week. 8% of total production of the model, not bad for a 41-49 year old model!
404 C Registry uis up to 1454 cars now. Boo yeah!
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