Some 1913 racing. Beginning with motorcycles.
I'm not going to go chronologically here (lots of syllables back there). I'll do the motorcycles first, then the automobiles
The Bennett mentioned is Alex Bennett who went back to the U.K. and Europe and was a works rider winning some major races. He was inducted into the Canadian Motorsport Hall of Fame last year:
7--June 14, 1913, The Willows
--1st race--Smith, Victoria, won over Scott, Victoria, in 2-mile sidecar race, time, 3:27 ¾
--2nd race--5-mile amateur:
1st, Art Creeck, Victoria
2nd, C.O. Rayner, Victoria
3rd, George Griffin
4th, Comyow, Victoria
Time, 6:44
--3rd race--3-mile professional:
1st, Coburn
2nd, Berreth
3rd, Godfrey
Time, 4:09 ¾
--4th race--3-miles, Coburn vs. Godfrey:
1st, Coburn, time, 4:07 ¼
--5th race--3-miles, Berreth vs. Jimmy Bergstadt
1st, Berreth, time 4:18 ¼
--6th race--10-miles, amateur:
1st, C.O. Rayner
2nd, George Griffin
Time, 13:40
--7th race--4-miles, professional:
1st, Godfrey
2nd, Coburn
3rd, Berreth
--8th race--5-miles, amateur:
1st, Creech
2nd, Rayner
3rd, Griffin
8--July 1, 1913, Hastings Park
--motorcycles, rained out
9--July 8, 1913, Hastings Park
--one-mile, flying start
1st, Harry Cogburn, California, 1:16 (Province newspaper says 1:14), track record
--2-miles, free-for-all
1st, J. Emery, Seattle
2nd, H. Cogburn, California
3rd, Homer Des Rosier, Vancouver
Time, 2:32
--5-miles, professional riders
1st, H.Cogburn
2nd, Emery
3rd, Harry Meagher
Time, 5:59
--3-miles, amateur riders
1st, Bennett
2nd, McEwen
3rd, Slim Watts
--5-miles, free-for-all
1st, Cogburn
2nd, Emery
3rd, Meagher
Time, 6:41
--5-miles, amateur, for Con Jones Trophy
1st, George McEwen
2nd, Pat Pettipiece
3rd, Bennett
Time, 7:05 1-2
--3-miles, professional riders
1st, Emory
2nd, Cogburn
3rd, Des Rosier
Time, 3:57 1-2
14--August 9, 1913, Hastings Park
--5-miles, Vancouver riders
1st, Tom McEwan, (Indian)
2nd, George McEwen, (Indian)
3rd, Bud Parker, (Indian)
4th, Lloyd Purdy (Excelsior)
Time, 6:42
--3-miles, professional
1st, Bennett (only one to finish)
Emory, hurt
Time, 3:45
--5-mile, professional, and
4-mile match race
No results declared.
--6-miles, free-for-all
1st, Bennett (Indian)
2nd, Harry Meagher (Harley-Davidson)
3rd, Harry Cogburn (Indian)
Time, 6:38
--8-miles, Vancouver riders
1st, Bud Parker (Indian)
2nd, George McEwen (Indian)
Time, 10:41
--Hotel Lotus event, 10-miles,
Between Harry Cogburn and Bennett
1st, Bennett
Time, 13:03 2-5
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